Happy Birthday, Ellette!

Today is Ellette’s birthday.  She is now 6 years old, and, as she put it so logically yesterday, only 4 years away from being 10, and then 10 years away from being 20 – “but don’t worry, mom.  When I leave I’ll always come back to visit.”  (I finally understand what it mus have been like to be my parents…)

So, Ellette, here’s to you, and what I love about you!

  • You are wonderful at using your words.  Yeah, occasionally you storm off from an argument, but you never yell, never say hurtful things, and you always take a deep breath to explain why you are upset.  Look at me – I’m still trying to figure out how to do that!
  • You are amazingly compassionate.  You care about how other people are feeling and what would help them feel better (“mommy, have you had a bad day?  Can I give you a back rub?”).  You made the decision yourself to be vegetarian because you “don’t want to hurt your animal friends” and I can’t tell you how much I adore you for it!
  • You are incredibly smart.  It takes all of my energy to keep up with you sometimes!
  • You appreciate how weird your mother is, and the fact that she knits like crazy.
  • You once told me I made something “too sweet”, which amuses me to no end.  I’m glad you enjoy eating apples over candy.

Happy birthday, darling!  I love you!


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