Hanging Around on Sunday

I am finding myself super exhausted by the end of Sunday and it’s been difficult remembering to post.  Please forgive me when I’m tardy, or if I forget altogether (like last weekend).  This weekend was an especially rough one for me, because we started choreography this weekend.  I started an hour early and spent a good deal of time in the air trying to figure out transitions, which I later demonstrated over and over again to my students.  By the end of the day, every muscle in my body was sore and my knees were in protest.  By my last class, I demonstrated one move and immediately said “Yep, that’s my limit, I can no longer do the splits today.”  This morning I woke up a bit worse for wear, but as the day progresses, I’ve been working out the tight muscles.  I still have some harsh silk burn on the backs of my knees, but those kinds of minor injuries are part of the trade, and I can live with that.  Rope burns and bruises don’t really faze me now – the joint pain still gets to me sometimes though.


Anyway, There was one moment in the middle of the day, when we were working on the silk knot, that the cutest thing happened.  I was teaching and the studio was sizing the girls for their costumes, and this student was thrilled with the new foot hang she learned.  She hung out while the studio coordinator chatted with her and handed her a leotard to try on when she righted herself again.


This girl has no fear, and an incredible pain tolerance (this is not the most comfortable position).  I was laughing my butt off watching her hanging upside down while chatting away like this was everyday for her.

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